Cammeraygal High School P & C
The Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) is an integral part of the Cammeraygal High School community. It aims to promote the school’s interests by fostering co-operation between parents, community members, students, and teaching staff.
Meetings: We encourage parents and carers to come to our meetings. Meetings are run by the P&C body, and the Principal is present for each meeting to help facilitate decision-making and to deliver the Principal’s Report. We welcome your input which will help make the school community richer over time.
When: The P&C meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6pm during school terms. Meetings will be carried over to the following term if they fall during school holidays.
Where: Meetings are held over Zoom. Register for a free Zoom account here.
Membership: To become a voting member of Cammeraygal High School’s P&C, please complete the online membership form and pay the $1 annual membership fee.